August 10, 2008

My Cosplay Costume - Day 6: Six More Days

Frankly, I just can't find the groove to update my blog right now. It's been a looong day, did maintenance check-ups on my PC this morning then had our weekly family gathering on my grandpa's house. Thankfully, my costume's head gear, breast plate, and weapon now only need their finishing touches. I feel fulfilled for such accomplishment, however, beneath me is this void, this feeling of incompleteness.

Maybe I'm just tired, spending most of the day making my costume's vital components drained me out plus the fact that I went to countless stores yesterday to purchase some raw materials for the costume or maybe because.........(sigh) I rather not discuss it here.

Tomorrow is my day. I will enjoy my one-day leave, I will celebrate with my family, I will thank the Almighty One for giving me a myriad of blessings, and I will have fun, yeah, I will.


amidalea said...

Happy Birthday!
i wish that you'd finally finish your cosplay (still cant help laughing when i remember i once said "cosmic"...outer space ako man gud naimagine!) costume...
another year to celebrate life!
Yay! *cheers