August 12, 2008

My Cosplay Costume - Day 7 and 8 : Happy Birthday and My Return To Duty and Blogging

I took a leave from work yesterday as well as a breather from blogging. I went to church then picked-up some groceries for our small gathering and raw materials for what else, my cos(mic) play costume (according to Amidalea, haha that gets me everytime...thanks for the comment).

I celebrated my 2__th birthday yesterday with my family and relatives, got stuffed (as special request, my mom cooked Chicken Afritada for me hmmm yummie) and watched the coverage of the Beijing Olympics beside my beloved Tatay Carding (my grandpa). It was simple but sharing it with the people closest to your heart never fails to make the simplest birthday parties wondrous.

That's my Tatay Carding, the best grandpa in the whole world

My cute niece A.M. doing the popular Angelina pose from Bubble Gang

After they left, I continued working on my costume. Almost all of the vital components had their paint jobs done yesterday morning so I only applied the finishing touches and the necessary details to give them this realistic look...

Oh, I forgot to tell you that I won't reveal my costume yet :P

For my dearest friends and SMSI colleagues, thank you for the heartwarming greetings. Ichi, I thank you for greeting me at exactly 12:00:01 of August 11 (you're the first one, I appreciate the thought and the effort), Ann, thank you for the Durian Pastillas, and Leo James aka Tambaliyok, thanks a lot for giving me a copy of the classic Dune 2 game, man you never cease to amaze me of your sheer resourcefulness. My fellow Stickymedians, I will top the ice cream treat next year, I promise you that.

Domo arigato gozaimasu!